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INNOQ Podcast “Enterprise Architektur”

We have just released our new INNOQ podcast episode “Enterprise Architektur – Vom Elfenbeinturm ins Clubhaus“. Anja Kammer and I talk about how Enterprise Architecture can support companies to make sure IT supports their company goals and strategy. Again, this podcast is in german. The main message of this podcast is that EAs need to understand the needs of all stakeholders and players affected by a change and find a solution that addresses most of these needs. Therefore being an EA means understanding the organization, the roles involved and -often forgotten- the individual persons fulfilling those roles. EAs don’t take… Read More »INNOQ Podcast “Enterprise Architektur”

Migrate P5 Archive Server to the Cloud

One of my customers has been using Archiware’s P5 Archive server for years to move unused media data from expensive, on-premises, high-performance storage to cheaper second tier storage. P5 Archive manages archived data very well and is able to preserve all kinds of file- and filesystem-related metadata across all kinds of storage. Over the years, the customer’s production environment has changed a couple of times to adapt to the availability of new technology, a preference of remote work of employees, and so on. This article explains what is required to migrate an on-premises P5 server to a new instance (cloud… Read More »Migrate P5 Archive Server to the Cloud

INNOQ Podcast “Alles zu kompliziert”

We have just released our new INNOQ podcast episode “Alles zu kompliziert – Warum unbeabsichtigte Komplexität oft normal ist.” As the title suggests, this is in german. Sven Johann, Jörg Müller and I talk about why technical solutions become overly complex in certain phases of their lifecycle. We discuss when this kind of complexity starts to hurt and how you can address the challenges that come with it.

Taking Decisions

I guess that most of us know situations, in which we wonder why our partners, colleagues, friends, family, etc. take decisions which we consider really bad choices.In this post I’d like to examine if those decisions are really that bad or if it’s possible we simply use different measures when judging them. As a side effect this post shall support you in taking better decisions by making sure you answer all relevant questions. Definition of Decision-Taking Before we check a decision for its quality, we need to make sure we have a common understanding of what a decision is and… Read More »Taking Decisions

What is a Domain and Why Should I Care?

When you work in a company which transforms into an agile organization, sooner or later people start talking about designing teams and technology according to domain boundaries.Yet, if you ask your colleagues what a domain is, you’ll find out that obviously there is no common understanding of what a domain is.This article tries to explain how to deal with domains – with a focus on team organization. Let’s look at Wikipedia first. You’ll find that the term “domain” can mean many different things in different contexts.In a product organization, you are probably using Scrum as a framework, and Domain-driven Design… Read More »What is a Domain and Why Should I Care?

What does an Enterprise Architect do?

Ask a couple of people what they think Enterprise Architects do and you will get greatly varying answers.If you want to better understand the scope of Enterprise Architecture and if one or more Enterprise Architects can help you and your company in any way, please keep on reading. Enterprise Architects Help Navigate Through Change If you look at your company‘s organization, its processes, customers, employees, partners, market opportunities and so forth and see no requirements for any change as your world looks good as it is and no change seems to be coming up, then what would you expect an… Read More »What does an Enterprise Architect do?